Need urgent help with an infected site?

Malicious code (malware) can compromise your online presence, leading to lost traffic, damaged reputation, and potential data breaches.

With extensive experience in WordPress security, I can quickly identify and remove malware from your WordPress site.

Order the WordPress Malware Removal service now to restore your website and ensure it operates smoothly and securely.

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scan and remove malware from a wordpress website

What's Included?

As soon as I receive your order, I’ll access your hosting provider and create backup of your hacked WordPress site, including all files and MySQL database tables.

This is a fundamental practice and precautionary measure that ensures we can restore your site to its initial state in case anything goes wrong during the malware removal process.

If for some reason your WordPress dashboard is not accessible, I will do necessary work to gain access and install WordPress malware removal plugin, such as Wordfence.

Next is the deep scan step. All website files and WordPress database will be checked for known malware signatures, suspicious files, suspicious code, hidden malware, malicious redirects, invalid file permissions, and any other security issues.

This process takes from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the size of your WordPress website.

After completing the scan, I will thoroughly review the list of hacked files, removing all malware infections (files infected with malicious code) to ensure your WordPress installation, including WordPress core files like wp-config.php, is free of malicious code.

I’ll also manually go through file manager and confirm there are no suspicious files, especially within wp-content folder where your WordPress plugin and theme files reside in.

Finally, I’ll implement robust security measures to ensure your site remains safe and protected against future malware attacks.

Keep reading for a detailed explanation of each step.

wordpress website backup

Initial Backup of Your WordPress Site

Normally, I like to backup WordPress sites with Updraft Plus plugin. But when it comes to hacked wordpress sites, I backup directly from cPanel (or the control panel of your hosting provider).

I prefer this method, because hacked wordpress sites mostly don’t allow me to gain access through WordPress dashboard. They do this via .htaccess file.

Using file manager, I archive root WordPress directory (public_html) and export WordPress database via phpmyadmin. I ensure both files are stored safely outside the root directory.

This step usually takes less than an hour and ensures peace of mind before proceeding further.

Deep Infection Scan (with Wordfence)

When it comes to scanning Wordpress sites for malware infections, Wordfence security plugin is my weapon of choice.

Unlike other WordPress security plugins, Wordfence does an excellent job in comprehensive file scanning. It scans all files on your WordPress installation, including core WordPress files, themes, and plugins. It checks these files for malicious code, suspicious patterns, and known vulnerabilities.

In addition to files, Wordfence also scans the WordPress database for potential security issues. This includes looking for unauthorized changes, suspicious entries, or malicious data inserted by attackers.

The plugin performs integrity checks on WordPress core files, themes, and plugins. It compares these files against their original versions from the repository to detect any unauthorized modifications or additions.

After cleaning infected files and removing malware infections, I manually review your WordPress root folder, core files and core folders such as wp-admin, wp-uploads and wp-includes and check for anomalies and suspected files that Wordfence might have failed to diagnose.

Finally, I re-scan the website with an online tool called Sucuri SiteCheck, which operates entirely online. You simply enter the website URL into the SiteCheck interface, and the scanner performs a thorough check of the website.

SiteCheck conducts an external scan, meaning it examines the site from a visitor’s perspective. This is beneficial for identifying issues that impact users and search engines but might not detect all server-side infections or issues that are hidden from public view.

This process ensures that no malware remains hidden, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your website is completely free from threats.

harden wordpress security

Security Hardening

Cleaning malware from a WordPress site is a crucial step in recovering from an attack, but it is not sufficient on its own. Safeguarding it from future attacks through security hardening is equally vital.

WordPress is a powerful and versatile platform, but its open-source nature and widespread use make it a prime target for hackers.

Without proper security measures in place, your WordPress site is vulnerable to malicious attacks that can compromise sensitive data, damage your reputation, and disrupt your online operations.

Some of the fortifications I will implement for your WordPress website:

  • Enable auto updates for WordPress core, plugins and themes.
  • Enforce strong passwords for all Wordpress user accounts.
  • Implement plugins that limit login attempts to protect against brute force attacks.
  • Customize the WP login URL to a unique address that is difficult for attackers to predict.
  • Implement Web Application Firewall (WAF) using WordFence.
  • Disable XML-RPC using Perfmatters.
  • Disable file editing to prevent code changes via WordPress dashboard.
  • Update PHP version to latest version (before checking compatibility with your plugins and themes)
  • Implement regular backups using Updraft Plus.

Google Search Console Steps

After cleaning your WordPress website from malware, it’s crucial to take several steps in Google Search Console to ensure your site is safe, indexed correctly, and performing well in search results.

This is necessary because some malware infects your website by adding thousands of subpages that promote their products or exploit your site’s domain authority through malicious backlinks.

Thus, I verify your website ownership in Google Search Console if it’s not already verified. Next, if your site was flagged by Google for malware, I trigger a request for a security review. Google will then review your site and remove the “malware warning”.

Finally, I will submit a sitemap.xml file to ensure all your pages and posts will be crawled and indexed properly.

Repeat Scans

For your peace of mind, after the initial work is completed, I perform daily website re-scans over the course of a week, keeping you informed about your website’s status regularly.

Ready to Get Started?

Ready to get your WordPress site back on track? Let WPFixFast secure your website swiftly and effectively, eliminating any chance of re-infections.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are several signs and methods to help you determine if your site is compromised:

  • Sudden, unexplained increases in traffic, especially from unfamiliar sources, can indicate a malware infection.
  • If your site becomes unusually slow or unresponsive, it might be due to malicious scripts running in the background.
  • Check for unauthorized content, links, or popup ads appearing on your site, which could be a sign of injected malware.
  • Unexpected changes in your site’s appearance, layout, images, or text can indicate a defacement attack.
  • Warnings from browsers, antivirus software, or similar security tools indicating that your site is unsafe can be a red flag.
  • If you notice new admin accounts that you didn’t create, it might be due to a security breach.
  • Notifications from your hosting provider about suspicious activity or abuse reports can be an indication of malware.

The time required for malware removal depends on the severity of the infection.

In most cases I’m able to remove malware from WordPress and restore your site’s integrity within 24 hours.

Yes, I take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your website data throughout the malware removal process, including creating a full backup of your WordPress site before proceeding with any other steps, ensuring a reliable restore point if needed.

My approach to malware removal is designed to minimize disruption to your site. I prioritize preserving your website’s functionality and design while eliminating malicious code.

Certainly! Yes, I not only remove malware but also implement security measures to strengthen your WordPress site against future threats.

I provide a satisfaction guarantee, committing to work diligently until your site is thoroughly cleaned and secured. Your website’s security and cleanliness are my utmost priority.

Still Have Questions?

I’m available to chat and answer any questions you may have. Contact now for a no-obligation, free consultation before ordering.

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